How to Do Forced Reps Training

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Wake up, it's a new day. A beautiful day. A day to say goodbye to boring 'normal reps', and instead, step right up to the reps that have your interesting brimming and will have your muscles straining: forced reps. They're a great way to pump your way past your normal abilities and straight into a massive increase in size and strength. Not only that, but they're a hell of a lot of fun. I'm gonna do you a favor and list the necessary ingredients for doing forced reps, then I'm gonna outline how to go about doing them properly. If you're really lucky, I might even tell you what makes them work so well. Read on, good friends.

Step 2

Forced reps require you to force yourself past your normal physical ability (duh, it's in the name), and that particular kind of enforcement requires a partner. I mean, you could always try to do them without a partner, but you'll pretty much find that that defeats the purpose. Along with having a partner, I prefer to add some preworkout into the mix, Having preworkout allows me to push past my normal limits, which actually makes the forced reps become even more forced (this is good). Finally, you're gonna need a solid pair down there -if you know what I mean- cause forced reps ain't no joke Son.

Step 3

Actually doing the forced reps is pretty simple: you perform a set of whatever exercise until you reach the point of total failure, whereupon a partner will spot you and force you to do a couple of extra reps that would be physically impossible to do otherwise. I recommend doing forced reps on only one exercise per workout- the big one. Whatever exercise you added into your routine in order to build the most possible muscle; that's the one you need to force a few extra reps out of.

Step 4

Forced reps are great for a number of reasons. 1: they're fun. Forced reps give you the assurance that the weight won't fall on your face or any other terrible place, considering you have a partner there to help you. Not only that, but you feel like a manbeast when you're doing them. 2: they demand a lot of work from your muscles. Forced reps will confuse your body into thinking it's stronger than it is, which will in turn make it heal in order to be that strong again next time. More healing+more strength=bigger muscles. 3: Did I mention that they're fun?

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

The most important thing you can remember when you're preparing to do forced-rep training is to remind your partner that you still need to be working. It can be way too easy for a spotter to do all of the work and not let the lifter feel a little pain. Don't settle for that. Tell them that you want to struggle, you just don't want to die. That's a pretty happy medium.

Stuff You'll Need

Suggested Further Reading

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I've done forced reps with good spotters and I've done them with bad spotters. One time, long, long ago, I was preparing to do some forced squats (the gnarliest of the forced exercises). I told the spotter exactly what I always tell them, "I want to struggle, but I don't want to die." So I load up 315 on the squat bar and level it onto my shoulders, bang out 9 reps, and then give that spotter The Look from the mirror. I was ready for some forcing. I went down and tried to come back up. I was expecting a hell of a struggle, but instead the guy lifted my body up like an ambulance driver. I got a little mad and said, "let me struggle a bit more." I go back down, start to come up, start struggling. My face is red and I feel like my eyes are gonna pop out of my head. I hit the spot where I can't lift any higher, and my legs start folding back down. THAT is when my spotter decided to get behind me and help out. It was too late- between all the effort of both me and him, that 315 was nowhere close to coming back up. I had to fold and somehow thrust it over my head. I won't tell the rest of the story, because it involved a bit of language that wouldn't be appropriate to cement into an online setting. Just know that I never requested help from that spotter ever again.

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I first started messing with forced reps when I was a youngster. All the pros in the Youtube videos were doing them, so I figured they must be fun and work. I found out that indeed they were fun, and indeed they worked. I can't even tell you how many plateaus I've broken by staying consistent with forced rep training. Now, hopefully, with the knowledge of how to go about this forced task, you can push past all those plateaus too. So get forcin', and happy lifting

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