Standing Barbell Oblique Twist

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a Russian Twist is unique. Here is how: you use an Olympic bar. The Olympic bar has a wide weight distribution. This weight distribution adds extra resistance to your oblique muscles. Engaging these muscles increases their overall strength. Since you stand during this exercise, you must engage the rest of your abs to properly maintain balance. Engaging these muscles increases the overall strength of your entire core. You alternate which side is worked with each rep.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate an area of the gym with ample floor space to perform the exercise.
2) Obtain an Olympic bar.
3) Locate a squat rack to help you get the Olympic bar on and off your shoulders.
4) Set the Olympic bar on the rack's pegs at just below shoulder height.
5) Load plates onto the bar on the rack.
6) We recommend wrapping a barbell squat pad around the bar for comfort for your neck.
7) Add a barbell collar to each end of the bar to keep the plates in place. If the plates slip off the bar during the movement you could injure yourself.
8) Stand inside the squat rack with your back to the bar.
9) Step under the bar and center it across the back of your neck, along the tops of your shoulders.
10) Grasp the bar hands 8-inches wider than shoulder-width apart - using an overhand grip.
11) Use your legs to push the bar upward. Then move the bar off of the rack and straighten your torso...
12) ...use your hands to stabilize the balance of the bar.
13) Walk the loaded bar carefully to the center of the bench.
14) Place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Exhale as you slowly twist your torso to one side as far as you can comfortably go.
3) Inhale as you return to the starting position.
4) This is the ending position.
5) Then, exhale as you twist to the opposite side.
6) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Twist by contracting your oblique muscles. Do not only turn your shoulders.
Be sure to use your core to move your body instead of moving the weight with your arms. Keeping the resistance to your core will ensure that this exercise offers the most beneficial effects.

Gear Advice

For your hands, we encourage you to use weightlifting chalk on your hands.

Gear You'll Need

Brand Product Price
Weightlifting Chalk $11.15


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