Seated Palms-Down Barbell Wrist Curl with Foreams on Thighs with Forearms on Thighs

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a Wrist Curl is unique. Here is how: you use an Olympic bar. You can lift heavier weight when you use an Olympic bar. Using heavier weight helps increase the strength | and size of your forearms. Finally, your arms are anchored on your knees. This position makes your forearms work harder to balance the bar. Maintaining balance increases the work done by your forearms during the movement.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate a movable flat bench.
2) Obtain a fixed-weight barbell.
3) If a fixed-weight barbell is not available, obtain an Olympic bar and plates. Then load plates onto the Olympic bar.
4) If you use an Olympic bar, add a barbell collar to each end of the bar to keep the plates in place. If the plates slip off the bar during the movement you could injure yourself.
5) Position the Olympic bar on the floor at the end of the bench.
6) Sit on the flat bench.
7) Place your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart.
8) Lean down to grasp the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart - with your palms facing down.
9) Lean forward slightly.
10) Rest the underside of your forearms on your thighs
11) This is the proper position for your forearms.
12) Allow your hands to extend off your knees so your wrists hang downward...
13) ...with your palms facing down.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Exhale as you curl the bar upward as far as possible,
3) Using only your hands.
4) Hold briefly at the top position. You should feel the contraction primarily in your upper-outer forearms.
5) Then, inhale as you lower the bar to the starting position using a controlled movement.
6) Make sure to go all the way down.
7) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Keep your forearms stationary on your thighs during the curling and lowering movement. Focus on only moving your wrists.

Gear Advice

When performing this exercise, it is important to add barbell collars to the bar - we have listed a link below to Lockjaw brand Olympic Barbell Collars - which you can order from Amazon dot com. For your hands, we encourage you to order heavy leather weight lifting straps - to take the stress off your hands and help with your grip.

Gear You'll Need

In Gym Gear Needed

Gear Type Gear
Weights Fixed Weight Barbell


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When as you lower the bar, you should feel the stretch in the forearms.

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