Cable Iron Cross

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of Chest Flyes is unique. Here is how: you start from a stretched position and perform the exercise by pulling the weight downward | instead of pulling horizontally, | (like you would do when performing standing flyes). You also pull the weight from a high cable pulley setting. This setting works and defines your lower chest muscles. This exercise may appear similar to a High Cable Crossover, but it differs slightly. When performing this exercise - Cable Iron Cross - | you bring the handles down and inward towards your body. This movement increases the work done by your upper pectoral muscles.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate a cable machine with two pulleys.
2) Set each pulley at its highest setting.
3) Obtain two single stirrup handle attachments.
4) Clip an attachment onto the pulley hook on each side.
5) Stand parallel between two cable pulleys, and at an equal distance from each pulley.
6) Grasp a handle in each hand.
7) ...with your palms facing forward.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Exhale while bending your elbows slightly and pull down to lower the handles together
3) ...until the handles are in front of your torso.
4) Hold this position for a count of one second.
5) Then, allow the handles to retract to the outstretched position - using slow and controlled movement
6) ...until you feel your chest muscles stretch.
7) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Keep your arms slightly bent at the elbows and maintain this same angle during the movement.
Keep your head facing upward during the movement.

Gear Advice

We recommend you wear a weight training belt - to add compression and support to your back. A link is listed below to the Harbinger brand Weightlifting Belt - which you can order from Amazon dot com.

Gear You'll Need

Brand Product Price
Weightlifting Belt $17.61

In Gym Gear Needed

Gear Type Gear
Cable Attachment Double D Handle Cable Attachment


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