John Wolf
at Campus Men

John Wolf's Involvement in Athletics

Interview Questions

When did you first get started in Athletics?

By the time I could walk I was playing sports. I started out by playing soccer, like almost everyone else, but continued playing in the premier league.

Something surprising about Athletics that people would not know.

Not all athletes are dumb jocks, most of the people in athletics just play it for fun and are usually pretty intelligent.

What is Athletics like?

It is a great way to relax, make new friends, and work out your competitiveness.

Tell your Fans a funny or interesting story about Athletics

i have been knocked out by playing my favorite sport, and the one I play at Ohio State, volleyball. In high school I dove to dig a hit and my setter kneed me in the face knocking me out. Next thing I know the play is over and a physical training is looking down at me on the floor. My coach then proceeded to put me back in the match 15 minutes later.