How to Choose a Supplement Stack

By Bill Willis, BSc, a PhD candidate at The Ohio State University.

Breaking through training plateaus and reaching our goals can be complicated. There are literally thousands of Muscle-Building supplements out there which are a total waste of money. We need the right weightlifting supplements to build muscle and we need to time their intake for maximum effectiveness. Moreover, every individual has a unique physiology, lifestyle, and daily schedule that factor into the design of an advanced supplement program.

This task can be completely overwhelming, especially if your best information resource is the pencil-necked guy at your local GNC; with no muscle, how the hell can he give somebody advice on supplements to gain muscle? Fortunately, you will not need to spend millions of dollars on all the supplements out there to eventually find out what supplements work for you. We offer tons of advice for beginners. However, Campus Men has compiled these Muscle-Building Supplement stacks for lifters who are already muscular and who wish to overcome muscle-building plateaus.

Supplement Stack Strategy

Follow the stack listed in Part A, then choose a stack listed in Part B.

Part A: Supplements For All Lifters

Regardless of your goals, the following supplements should always be a part of your supplement strategy:

  • Fish Oil: This essential fatty acid is loaded with omega-3 fats and is vital for fat loss and muscle growth. Dose: varies depending on body weight, goals. Most trainees benefit from as little as 2 and as much as 30 grams/day. Consult a qualified personal trainer for precise recommendations

  • A Multi vitamin/mineral supplement

  • Whey protein: whey is extremely digestible and has an ideal amino acid profile to build muscle. Whey protein is also loaded with BCAAs and glutamine peptides, both of which are important for muscle growth.

Part B: Choose the Stack that Matches Your Weightlifting Goal

Goal: Get Ripped

Whether you are a bodybuilder getting ready for a competition, or just a college student getting shredded for spring break, your goal is to loose the maximum amount of fat possible while retaining hard-earned muscle, resulting in that “ripped” and “shredded” look. The problem is, dieting is inherently catabolic, when we cut calories the signal is sent to loose muscle. We need a supplement stack that decreases muscle loss and increases fat-burning.

In combination with a great training program and diet, the following supplement combination is perfect to achieve this look. (click on supplement links for descriptions)

  • HMB 3-9 grams total per day, taken in three divided doses with meals

  • Glutamine. 5-12 grams immediately before and after weight training.

  • CLA: 3-9 grams/day in divided doses with meals

  • Whey protein isolate: 30-50 grams immediately after intense training,

  • BCAAs: 15-20 grams, divided into two doses immediately before and after weight training

Goal: Weight Gain

As difficult as it is for most guys to stick to a rigorous diet plan to achieve a ripped look, it is far more difficult for those of us with light-speed metabolisms to gain muscle (or any kind of body weight at all). The most important thing that you can do to gain weight with a fast metabolism is eat a nutrient dense, high calorie diet with the right supplements:

  • Weight gain and meal replacement shakes (MRPs): Ideally to gain weight you should be getting 5-7 meals/day, which is extremely difficult with a busy schedule. Use MRPs as a substitute when it is not convenient to eat whole-food meal, or when you are simply not hungry enough to eat a scheduled meal. Dose: 2-3 shakes/day as a meal replacement to avoid missing a scheduled meal.

  • Glutamine: 5-10 grams immediately before and after working out, in addition to another 5-10 gram dose before bed.

  • Creatine: 5-10 grams/day with lots of carbs

  • Vitamin B-12: B-12 in higher doses can drastically increase appetite. Use daily to increase appetite while on a high calorie diet.

  • Flax Oil: Muscle growth is extremely dependent on an adequate EFA intake. Taking fish oil will meet your EFA requirements, but EFAs such as flax oil are also an excellent way to increase calorie intake. In addition to a fish oil supplement, 1-4 tbs of flax oil/day is a great way to boost calorie intake without getting fat. A higher EFA intake will allow you to build more muscle and stay leaner on a high calorie diet

Supplements Require Lifting Weights

If you are getting ready for that first photo shoot or just want to cut up for Spring break, you cannot go wrong with these supplements. Used in the right combination at the right times there is a synergistic effect, resulting in muscle gains and fat loss above and beyond a regimen where they are used separately. Don’t forget to have your diet and training program designed for your goals; supplements are designed to supplement, not to replace a good diet.

While I have provided you with a good place to start, keep in mind that dosage, timing, and other individual factors are important. In addition, all of this must be coordinated with diet and training. Because this can only be addressed on a case-by case basis, it is recommended that you consult with a competent personal trainer on this matter. Often for a reasonable fee an entire diet, supplement, and weight training program could be mapped out in a 30 minute to 1 hour phone or email consultation. This will save you tons of money you would have wasted by seeking to find a plan that works for you by trial and error.

Read this story on Spending Money on a Personal Trainer if You Already Have Muscles.

Supplement Sources

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