Tan lines On Butts And Legs Are Common Problem For New Male Models

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

In the 90's movie "Total Recall," Arnold Schwarzenegger's character views message his alter-ego left for himself on a computer. As bad guys close in on Arnold, he smashes the screen and sparks fly. The short-circuiting terminal keeps skipping and playing a message over and over again: "Git yoo ass to maahs... git yoo ass to maahs..."

Photographers have a similar message for college guys who want to become underwear models: Get your ass tan! Quickly!

It is easy to develop tan lines from typical summer activities. It is common for college students to develop an untanned area on their legs and butt because they wear shorts in the sun. The number of poses guys can try is limited if they show up at photo shoots with tan lines

When you wear shorts in the sun, your thighs will look like this...

untanned male butt

Tan Lines restrict the number of poses you can try during a photo shoot because the tan line must be hidden.

A model not posing nude still needs to tan his butt. This is because underwear worn when tanning will not match a different pair worn later during a photo shoot.

So, it is important it is for all underwear models not to have tan lines. Find a private place and tan nude like these models.

Unless you consistently wear long pants in the sun, begin tanning far in advance of your photo shoot. It takes time to get rid of tan lines or to get color into white skin that has never seen sunlight. You can read how to correct tan lines on your legs by sing a tanning bed.

These models are tanning in a private location on the day of their photo shoot.

Most College Students Have Tan Lines

Photo shoots are often scheduled during breaks from classes. Getting rid of tan lines is a challenge for many guys because they lack spare time to tan. They must study for Midterms or final exams just prior breaks.

The two tanning lotions CampusMen.com recommends are:

Once you develop the kind of deep a tan girls think are hot, you can show off your tan by Creating a Campus Men profile. Creating a Campus Men profile provides you an opportunity to build a fanbase on the Internet and get paid for adding tips to our site using our incredibly easy Self-Publishing Tool. Six minutes filling out a form describing super-easy concepts and you get a check in the mail!

If you are not a student, but know of a college student who would benefit from our program, you can Nominate him to Become a Campus Man

Just wear a tank top when you shoot your photo. You can also position the camera at a slight angle so your guns (arms) are fully visible in your photo. Remember, your tan is worthless if nobody sees it!

If you are not a student, but know of a college student with a great tan, you can Nominate a Student to Become a Campus Man. The guy you nominate will be grateful someone "nominated" him because of his tan!