When Other Male Models are at Your Shoot

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

Sometimes you can be the only model at a photo shoot or you can be part of a group. Being part of a photo shoot involving multiple models can offer advantages.

Since each model steps in front of the camera one at a time, those who are not being photographed can help the model in front of the camera.

Models understand the challenges another model faces when in front of the camera.

Sometimes a pose that looks good to everyone else can feel weird to the model. The model being photographed cannot see how his muscles look when he is in front of the camera. Other people can tell him how the pose looks. Models can give encouragement and advice on what looks good.

Here is a model showing another model how to pose.

Muscle Poses

For example, flexing several muscle groups can require concentration. A model must flex each muscle group separately. A photo can be rejected if the model forgets to flex a muscle group.

It is easy to allow one muscle group to relax because you are concentrating on another muscle. If a model allows his abs to relax because he is concentrating on his lats, another model can remind him to flex his abs.

The guys behind this model had a unique view and laughed at him.

Only other models and professionals are welcome at photo shoots. Bringing friends to a shoot to help you pose is a no-no.

Other models can also help when it comes time to change clothing. Models can make sort of a private changing room by holding two light reflector boards together. This blocks bystanders from watching the model undress.

Sometimes having other models present helps get things done. There were sharp rocks on this shore in Miami. This model had to catch a ride on the back of another model to avoid getting his feet cut during his shoot.

Models who are not being photographed can also help by recording the shoot with a video camera. If you are posing, you should ignore the person holding the video camera. This makes better video footage. Sometimes behind the scenes video footage can be more interesting than the actual photos produced at a shoot.

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