Photo Shoots Are Often Disorganized

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

The only complaint we ever receive from new models pertains to the organization of our photo shoots. They expect photo shoots to be well-organized. As first time models, students want everything to go off perfectly. However, just because the resulting photos look great, doesn't mean the photo shoots that created the shots were perfectly.

Waiting is Common for Hollywood Movies

Ironically, most photo productions, from Big Hollywood film productions to big catalog shoots, to shoots for Campus Men entail a lot of waiting on the talents' part. You hurry up and wait. And wait.

It is not uncommon for your video shoot to be scheduled at 3PM and not actually step in front of the camera until two hours later.

Staff Can Forget Supplies

Hair must be styled. Crazy hair stylists put a halt to the filming because they forgot something and must run to a store. Should they have been more prepared? Sure. But it happens.

You are the lowest man on the totem pole and professionals are not too concerned with your schedule needs.


It is very hot and humid on the beach. Everyone feels drained after being in the sun. The photographer can get fatigued from thinking about many factors that can effect the resulting photos. He doesn't always have all the answers and can't explain every process and plan to male models. Male models are hungry from not eating all day because they have been cutting weight prior to the shoot. Courtesy toward others is necessary.

You can read more articles on male model photography.

Come Alone

Waiting is why you cannot bring girlfriends or friends. Friends and girls will be eventually anxious to leave, while you know you need to wait. Can you imagine if you were trying to pose while your girlfriend is anxious to leave?

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