How to Pose Male Models in Bed

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

Bed poses are common for male models. When a male model lays down in a bed, his muscles can appear flat because of gravity.

A solution to this problem is to stand the bed upright vertically and have the male model stand in front of it, with his back touching the mattress. The camera is positioned in front of the upright bed. This creates an illusion through the camera lens of the model laying in bed. However, the problem of flattening muscle is avoided because the model can fully flex because he is standing instead of laying down.

Positioning Sheets

Add hair spray onto sheets to keep the illusion of waves in the bed sheets. Thin, but sturdy wire can be added to the seems of the sheets to hold them in place. Add medical tape to the underside of sheets to keep them in contact with the model's body. Assure that no baby oil is on the model's skin where the tape will touch.

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