Male Models Wearing Cologne Attract Insects at On Location Photo Shoots

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

New male models should not to wear any fragrances, cologne and heavily scented deodorant on the day of any outdoor photo shoot.

These fragrances can attract insects that can annoy male models while they are posing, and in some cases can ruin an entire photo shoot.

Fragrances often can smell sweet to bugs, who interpret the scent as a food source. They land on your face or body during the shoot. If a male model has applied a fragrance, the bugs seek the fragrance out. Since the male model is often holding still -- the bugs can land on him and appear in the photograph.

Time of Day Attracts Insects

Many outdoor photo shoots are held during the "golden hour," a time period just before the sun sets where the light from the sun takes on a golden cast because the sun's rays pass through more of the atmosphere as it nears the horizon. Bugs, such as gnats, also seem to appear during the early evening.

Locations Popular for Insects

Many photo shoots are also held near waterways, such as lakes or beach areas. This can be the natural nesting areas of some bugs. So, wearing fragrances can be simply asking for trouble.

Male models should take a preemptive step by being conscious to avoid added scents. Clearly, you should not apply any cologne or scented sprays. If you apply deodorant the day of the photo shoot, use either a unscented deodorant, or one with a very light scent. You can also skip deodorant for one day!

Avoid heavily-scented bath soaps or shower gels. It is better to be a little offensive to your fellow male models or crew member, than to become attractive to a swarm of gnats.

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