Lying Squat Machine

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a squat is unique. Here is how: you use a Lying Squat Machine. The machine positions your body parallel to the floor | and eliminates the need to balance any weight, (like you would need to do when performing a standing Barbell Squat). This position allows your quadriceps to do all of the work. Isolating the effort to these muscles increases the contraction in your quadriceps. This exercise is a safe exercise that is good for beginners who want to learn proper squat technique | and seeking to develop quadricep strength | because there is no risk of dropping any weight.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate a lying squat machine.
2) Select a suitable weight.
3) Since the starting position is the parallel position of a regular squat, set the machine so that your upper and lower legs create a little less than a 90-degree angle when lying on the machine.
4) Lie down in the machine.
5) Rest your head and back securely on the pad and grasp the handles on either side of the machine.
6) Position your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward on the platform.
7) Your upper legs and lower legs should form a slightly less than 90-degrees angle.
8) Your legs should be parallel and your knees should not be flared outward.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Exhale as you push against the platform by fully extending your legs.
3) Focus on using your heels to drive your body weight up and not the front of your feet.
4) When fully contracted, hold this position for a count of one second.
5) Inhale as you bend your knees to allow your body to retract toward the platform using a controlled movement
6) ...until your upper and lower legs form a 90-degree angle.
7) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Be sure to place your feet at shoulder width apart.
Go down until your legs form a 90-degree angle.
Do not let the weight slam back onto the stack.
To avoid injury when performing this exercise, keep your knees aligned and do not allow them to flare outward. When you have lowered to the parallel position, look down to check to assure your knees are in line with your toes. In this manner, you can be sure your form is good and can be confident you have lowered correctly.
Keep your head and back flat.

Gear Advice

We recommend you wear a weight training belt - to add compression and support to your back. A link is listed below to the Harbinger brand Weightlifting Belt - which you can order from Amazon dot com. Some guys choose to use knee wraps when doing this exercise. It is optional and we have an entire video covering their use and advantages. If you want to add compression and support to your knees, we have listed a link below to Knee Wraps made by Pulse Fitness Gear - which you can order from Amazon dot com.

Gear You'll Need


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Feel a deep contraction in your quads as you extend your legs.

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