Support Your Body When Posing Horizontally

When a model is posing by laying flat, or leaning on an object, he should not relax his body and take it easy. Muscles do not ignore gravity. The model should keep his muscles flexed so the muscles do not relax and fall.

Supporting Your Body

The model also supports his body instead of letting gravity take over. Although his laying down, he still should be supporting his body. The model flexes his back, glutes or quads to slightly raise his body off the ground or bed.

A famous Chippendales photo depicts a side view of a guy laying on his back on the beach. If one looks closely, one can see his back is arched so that his heels and back of head are supporting his body. His back is arched and not touching the sand!

Bed Poses

A common beefcake pose is to show a male model in bed. Sinking into the mattress is a problem when a model poses in a bed because his back and buttocks can disappear from the camera view. A model's muscles can also flatten when a model lays in bed.

The remedy is to place plywood or a very sturdy board on top of the mattress, and under the sheets. The board is not seen, but gives the model a hard surface he can use to better support his body and avoid sinking into the mattress.

When Sitting on Edge of Bed

If a model sits with his legs off the edge of the bed, he should place a hand or both hands onto the mattress and slightly push his butt off the mattress. This keep his weight off off his butt and mostly on his hands and feet. He should flex his glutes to keep his butt cheeks rounded. This creates the illusion that the model is sitting on a bed while forcing the model to flex his muscles.

Laying in Bed

If a model lay in bed, he should lay on the sturdy board positioned under the sheet and use his body to push off the board. A model can sometimes do this by arching his back or supporting his weight with his heels and shoulders.

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