Never Pay For Photo Shoots for Modeling Portfolios

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

Many college guys who want to become male models wrongly think they need to spend money to obtain a portfolio. This happens because they associate with scam modeling agencies that run modeling scams.

However, did you know that if you are attractive, you should never pay money out of your pocket unless you are purchasing an actor's headshot or ordering enlargements of photos?

Three Key Reasons

A college guy who has built up a great body has value, too.

Gay photographers will photograph you for free. Some (not all) can create better images of men than other photographers.

If you must spend money, use it for travel costs to get to a big city to shoot with a big name photographer for free.

You have something to offer

It isn't just the photographer's equipment, lights and cameras that have value. The amount of money you spend on bodybuilding supplements each month and how much time you spend in the gym are important too. These are factors that make your time a commodity as well as the photographer's time. Your time is not worthless. A photographer's time is valuable, but your time has value too.

You should consider posing for a good-quality gay photographer because he will likely not charge you. A straight photographer will always charge you his highest rate because you do not have a vagina.

You Shouldn't Pay, But Will Not Get Paid Either

While you shouldn't pay money, it is common for you not to get paid either. Most male models instantly associate posing for photographs with getting paid. As soon as they mention they are holding a shoot to their dad (who knows nothing about male modeling) he stresses that his son should get paid a lot of money. However, you need promotional photos before you can get hired for paying Model Jobs! So, you enter into a transaction with a photographer where you trade your time posing in exchange for prints or digital copies of the resulting photos - instead of payment. This type of transaction is called a TFP photo shoot

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